Fred Hutchison
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, is seeking a quote for Entertainment stage, sound, lighting, video camera equipment, LED video screens, and technician rentals for Obliteride, a fundraising bike ride taking place in Seattle, Washington on August 9th and 10th 2019. This weekend long event brings together a community whose collective spirit of relentlessness will create the world we all want to live in. A world where cancer is behind us.
As participants cross the finish line on Saturday, August 10, we remember whom we’re riding for; the loved ones who lost their battle, those currently battling, for kids who will be impacted by this disease and all those survivors who are still with us today because of research happening at Fred Hutch. This bike ride is a journey where everyone is riding for the same thing – better treatments, better outcomes and better lives.

AVF provides all production for the Kickoff Party and Finish Line Celebration. Including concert quality PA system to support A list entertainment, Mobile stage, Multi-camera video production, LED wall, Stage lighting, scenic lighting, as well as stage management and technicians.

Fred Hutch Obliteride is the largest and best-organized fundraising event of its kind in the Pacific Northwest! Every August, we join up for one powerful weekend to ride, walk, and run; honor loved ones; and support lifesaving science at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.